The Myths behind Labels !

With an exponential increase in consumerism, there is also rising awareness on the ethical, ecological and health impacts of the products we all are purchasing. There are a plethora of labels [...]

Self-discipline makes you happy

Most of us think that people who are self-disciplined are probably deprived of pleasures and happiness and constantly haunted by visions of other people having a good time. Recent studies across [...]

My Stars of Sustainable Living

One of the biggest challenges in the world of sustainability is that a lot of us who talk about it, blog about it, attend international meets, work at environmentally sustainable businesses do [...]

Why Conserve Water and How?

They say the next global conflict could result from water related issues – scarcity or flooding could both lead to catastrophic outcomes.   Particularly, in places like India which is under [...]

The Story of Bottled Water

Annie Leonard has pioneered a unique way of questioning our present way of life that is based on unnecessary and unsustainable consumption. Her 20 minute video ‘The Story of Stuff’ took the world [...]

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