With an exponential increase in consumerism, there is also rising awareness on the ethical, ecological and health impacts of the products we all are purchasing. There are a plethora of labels [...]
I’ve rarely encountered an open conversation on the utility of sanitary napkins in our society. I have always been a curious kid and remember asking my mother once what these advertisements on [...]
As far as abundance is concerned, the focus today is on meeting all material desires irrespective of the source of the desire – market/society driven or a true need. And the market/society [...]
I am often asked why must one choose to travel from Delhi to Chennai via train when one can afford to travel by air. The first argument is that it’s approximately about the same cost as the [...]
I wish to share with you all about Eco-Femme, a social entrepreneural venture in Tamil And that makes great quality cloth pads. I have myself started using these pads recently and to my surprise, [...]
Most of us think that people who are self-disciplined are probably deprived of pleasures and happiness and constantly haunted by visions of other people having a good time. Recent studies across [...]
One of the biggest challenges in the world of sustainability is that a lot of us who talk about it, blog about it, attend international meets, work at environmentally sustainable businesses do [...]
They say the next global conflict could result from water related issues – scarcity or flooding could both lead to catastrophic outcomes. Particularly, in places like India which is under [...]
Annie Leonard has pioneered a unique way of questioning our present way of life that is based on unnecessary and unsustainable consumption. Her 20 minute video ‘The Story of Stuff’ took the world [...]
Humans are gifted with the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in their brain. It is the thick outer layer (cerebral cortex) of the prefrontal lobe. Some of the functions of this region of the brain include [...]