From freedom to responsibility: Join the campaign!

In the past decade, menstrual hygiene management became a developmental buzz in India, with commercial disposable sanitary napkins being offered as the only hygienic solution. Yes, the move emancipated many women who benefitted from government-sponsored subsidized pads, but at what costs? Nidhi Jamwal’s article and the documentary movie Masika point out the hidden costs of commercial disposable sanitary napkins and look at other viable alternatives.

It is time to shift the conversation from breaking the silence on menstruation to speaking up about the growing mountains of menstrual hygiene waste generated every month and taking responsibility for proper disposal.

It is time to shift from commercial disposable sanitary napkins to sustainable and ethical menstrual hygiene management.

Join the shift!Join The Kachara Project and earth&usfor a 5-week campaign designed to create public awareness and bring about strategic shifts in responsibly dealing with menstrual hygiene waste. The campaign also explores reusable products and other options that are Safe, Hygienic, and Ethical. The campaign will be launched on April 22 (Earth Day) and conclude on May 28 (Menstrual Hygiene Day).

Each of the 5 weeks will have a different theme that will be explored via social media–blogs, google hangouts, and twitterchats:

  • Week one: Sustainability and Menstruation: From the body of the earth to the body of the woman
  • Week two: Disposable sanitary napkins: a blessing or a curse?
  • Week three: Dealing with menstrual hygiene waste: Collection and disposal issues
  • Week four: Reusable menstrual hygiene products: pros and cons
  • Week five: Educating ourselves on best practices regarding use and disposal of menstrual hygiene products

We are already in the process of designing a webpage, infographics, and a mascot for the campaign, and by mid-April, we can share the details of how the campaign will be run. Additionally, we encourage you to host local events in your city.

Donations for the campaign are tax-exempt and gratefully accepted. They will be accounted for by earth&us and audited by Auroville Foundation.

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